Halloween is definitely one of my favourite times of year, not only is it part of Autumn (my favourite season) but its also a time of year to get creative and involve one of my favourite makeup/SFX products: fake blood (creepy I know)
So this post is all about this years Halloween tutorials...so without further ramble, let's go ahead and get in to it (Links to each tutorial will be under the pictures...feel free to check them out)
Animal Attack
So to start Halloween 2016 off, I decided to do something a little bit....gory. After a couple of hours of applying latex to my face, realising that the fake blood I had made was a little too sugary, discovering a love for wigs and running through some woods, this look came alive. Now this look doesn't necessarily need to be completed with a blonde wig, but it was the only one I had to hand at the time and it really pulled look together.
There was also much debate about whether I was going to rip and old shirt up or not, I eventually decided that it would add so much more to the look and tore apart the fabric with some scissors and doused it in fake blood. In the end the whole video and final makeup looked turned out a lot better than I expected and this look became the gory start to what I would hope to be a magical yet slightly bloody Halloween
Bloody Harley Quinn
Okay so anybody who knows me IRL (In real life) would know that I am a big Harley Quinn fan, anybody else would think I have a crazy obsession over a comic book character (being obsessed over fiction character is called fangirling for future reference). So to those who do know me this tutorial would come as no surprise. Last year I did a Harley look for the Suicide Squad makeup and that was supposed to be a Halloween tutorial, but due to a very unpredictable postal service, I didn't managed to film it in time and it became a stand alone tutorial.
This year however I was determined to do a proper Harley look for Halloween (and by proper I mean with a decent camera, semi-decent makeup skills and brilliant lighting) but I wanted to add a twist, having already done a glam-ish look the previous year. So this time round I created the Suicide Squad Harley makeup, but added a bit of blood and gore, with some open bloody wounds (it wasn't until after I had finished editing and uploading the video that I realised the eye shadow colours didn't match the hair...but ah well). Again this look turned out a lot better than I expected and I am pretty proud of this tutorial
Poison Ivy
She's Poison. So this one is really showcasing the fact that I am also a big fan of Batman and what better way to spend Halloween than painting yourself green and adding Ivy leaves. I've wanted to add Poison Ivy to my Halloween tutorials for some time now and I thought that now I have some semi-decent makeup/face painting skills 2016 would be a good year to have ago.
Again this look must've taken me and hour and a half to two hours, but I quite proud of the final product, I do think that the detail could have been a little better but practice makes perfect
Black Swan
This tutorial is actually a re-do of one I did a couple of years ago (with a bad camera and some horrific lighting). Now the first time round I hadn't seen the film, so I was just creating the look based off a couple of photos I'd seen. This time round I had seen the film and was able to add some more detail and create a look that was closer to the makeup that Natalie Portman wore in the film
Mary Jane Watson
Now this particular look was a requested look and I'm not one to let anybody down, so I immediately started browsing comics and google to look for references, for one Miss Mary Jane Watson. The great thing about this look is that it is so versatile and can be used for pretty much any female comic book/animated character. With this look you could turn yourself into Selina Kyle/Catwoman from the animated Batman series or even Ariel from the Little Mermaid.
This look is great for Halloween, because it is so quick and simple, especially if you've been invited to a last minute Halloween party and you have no costume. Mary Jane's outfit is easy to put together and can be done out of your own wardrobe. The Wig was the only thing I actually bought for this look, everything else I already had in my collection. In person the wig is a much darker red and suits the look a little bit more. I love how this whole look came together and even though it was pretty simple, it is one of my favourite looks this year
Patchwork Person
Sooo with this particular tutorial I wanted to incorporate one of my favourite SFX products: Rigid Collodion. The great thing about this product is the way it works and the effect it gives. To use this product you apply it to the skin in any shape you like, using as many layers as you want and watch as the product starts to pull the skin together to give the effect of a scar or deep wound.
With this look I wanted to show that effect, but also add two different types of eye makeup: one more natural looking and the other a bit more glam. The fake blood I added just to bring something else to the look, as if the pieces had melded together, but the were split somehow
Missing Eye
If people didn't know me any better they would say I have a seriously warped mind. In this case that is actually quite accurate. With this look I wanted to do something with SFX again, but I also wanted to test my makeup skills and what better to do that make yourself look like you've had an eye taken out, quite brutally.
This look is particularly based on anything and was quite a pain to achieve, due to the face that I had to cover one eye, the pain when I uncovered the eye was quite achey and blurry but no pain, no gain. I wouldn't recommend doing this look if you going to be wearing it for long periods of time, unless you can put a small unnoticeable hole in the centre of the patch (yes I have literally just thought of that)
(More Looks will be added to this post as I film and edit them :) )
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